Do you want to be a better leader? Here are 5 tips to achieve it.

You don’t need special powers to be the best leader, but you do need certain actions, such as recognizing and valuing your peers’ work.

A regular business or office always has a team that allows success to happen. It’s the addition of talents and values that make, with a good management, a successful business. When workers feel valued for their ideas and effort, creates an immediate fidelity and keeps them happy and useful.

Compliments at convenient times
An employee is not looking for donations or gifts. One of their missions is feeling and knowing they’re useful to their bosses.

An OfficeWeb poll shows 82% of workers feel compliments are the best gift they could receive. Especially those who are made publicly.

They’re looking for recognition. This won’t only inspire a team, but also motivate them to explore and exploit their talents and possibilities.

A team you can lead 
In some cases, teams feel insecure or lost when it comes to their responsibilities, assignments, or what their bosses expect from them.

What can you do in these cases? 
A short reunion (no longer than 15 minutes), at least twice a week, in which employers can ask questions, they’re told what’s expected from them, and are given a pill of motivation.
Tip: offer them support or assistance when needed.

Catching feedback
Feedback is key to improve a company’s operations and keep a good business relationship with the team members.
Listen to their doubts, remind them of how important their effort is, and let them know they’re not working in vain.

Be positive
A leader must always keep motivation around. It must be a priority. Reunions must be constant.
What could you do to achieve it?
Take a day of the week, so employees can thank a team member for their work and effort.
This can bring out the best in every employee and motivate them to keep going.

Let yourself be surprised by feedback 
Leaders can’t be disconnected from their employees or group. Remember pointers and compliments are not only from the employer to the worker.

By allowing workers to evaluate you as a leader, you’ll realize things you probably hadn’t.  Understanding what the team needs gives you the possibility to lead according to its strengths.  Are you ready to be the best possible leader every day?  Ever practice takes time and adjusting, but the results will be positive.

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